14 April 2020


Inscriptions of an Immense Theatre_Still from single channel film, colour, sound, 2018.
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain “Inscriptions of an Immense Theatre “, Film Still, 2018 © the artist

Ailbhe Ní Bhriain is presenting “Inscriptions IV”, her fourth solo exhibition at Domobaal Gallery in London, including her photographic, tapestry and sculptural works. In our interview she spoke about her collaboration with an algorithm and her recent video works selected for the Artists’ Film Festival.  

3 April 2020


Andy Graydon_The Transect courtesy and © the artistAndy Graydon, "The Transect in Three or Four Modes of Observation" (2018), courtesy and © the artist

Andy Graydon works with sound, performance and video. In his works he often questions and analyzes the coherence and compatibility of art and science, which I find most intriguing in terms of our understanding of nature. Andy and I met in Berlin a few years ago, and since then continued exchanging ideas on displacement, islandness and the role of fiction for future imaginaries. A short excerpt from our long lasting conversations to be continued…