All images from the publication "Stillgestellt", hiepler, brunier, 2012, Panatom Book
The German photographer duo David Hiepler and Fritz Brunier - simply calling themselves hiepler, brunier - visited places all around the earth, where they suspected the clock to have stopped ticking. Within the last eight years they photographed isolated houses in Iceland, which were abandoned in the financial crisis; left-over-beach-clubs at the dead sea in Israel; a muted fun park in Foz do Iguacu in Brazil; an industrial Chinese backyard appearing like a film setting. Other pictures document people in waiting positions - appearing lost. Each photograph follows a similar style: the sky transforms into white nothingness, a non-space that evolves into the sky. "Stillgestellt" (Standing Still) - an archive of these timeless locations - is the new publication by hiepler, brunier. It invites to contemplate, to long for isolation and silence, and maybe even to wish that time would stand still for just a moment.
32 photographs
Schweizer Broschur, 72 pages, ISBN: 978-3-00-037389-3
published by Panatom Book, Berlin 2012
19,80 Euro

All images from the publication "Stillgestellt", hiepler, brunier, 2012, Panatom Book