all images courtesy Patrick Niemann and Chaplini Gallery, Cologne
A couple of days ago I visited Chaplini Gallery in Cologne to see their current group show 'Where were you when it happened?' and discovered the hilarious drawings by Berlin-based artist Patrick Niemann. Having studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under Prof. Albert Oehlen, Niemann's humor and cynicism resembles his former class-mates. Specifically the drawings' titles are worth a closer look: 'Asi mit Niveau' (Anti-Social dude with niveau), 'Die Bedeutung von Nichts ist Etwas' (The meaning of Nothing is Something) and - my favourite - The cow with a boner 'Käptn Rinderherz Arterienverkalkung ist geheilt' seriously confronts me with one of the hardest translation I have ever done, but I'll give it a shot: Captain Cow-Heart's arteriosclerosis is healed. That says it all - doesn't it?
Have a happy weekend!
Have a happy weekend!
Nicolai Crestianinov, Andreas Nann, Patrick Niemannuntil 6th of October 2012
Bismarckstr. 60
D-50672 Köln
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday 13 –18h, Saturday 12 – 16h
-> patrickniemann.de

all images courtesy Patrick Niemann and Chaplini Gallery, Cologne